R U OK? Day 2023: Workplace Champions
Mark your calendars for September 14th. R U OK? Day is a national initiative to encourage open conversations about mental health and wellbeing.
This year Garden Village has signed up as “R U OK? Day Workplace Champions” to share resources to support the mental health of their teams.
A Day of Connection and Conversation
The day of “connection and conversation” will be held in the Community Centre on 14th September between 06:00am and 4:00pm.
Employees can drop in for a chat, light refreshments and resources about the support available at Garden Village and in the community.
“Garden Village acknowledges that in Australia mental health services much like aged care services have been underfunded for far too long. As a caring organisation we have a responsibility to our employees. R U OK conversations sharpens the focus on what we can do as leaders to support people in the workplace,” said CEO Craig Wearne.
Addressing Fatigue in the Workplace
Nurses, health professionals, and aged care support workers often find themselves in demanding situations that can contribute to fatigue. Garden Village sees firsthand the impact of fatigue on our staff with jobs in aged care carrying a higher risk of exhaustion. The challenges of shift work and the added pressure of caring and supporting people in challenging circumstances must be acknowledged.
Healthy Workplaces
As one of the largest employers in our community, Garden Village plays a pivotal role in fostering a healthy workplace culture. Our commitment is not only about a single day, it’s a year-round effort to encourage staff to listen, take action, and check in with one another.
“Garden Village recognises the importance of peer support and aims to give team members the tools to support one another. Recognising the signs that someone might be struggling and genuinely listening can make a big difference,” said CEO Craig Wearne.
Resources for employees
In addition to R U OK Day, Garden Village has the following initiatives in place to support employees year round.
- Free Counselling Service provided to employees Access EAP 1800 81 87 28. www.accesseap.com.au
- Free employee exercise classes at The Wellbeing Centre
- Onsite counsellor Andrew Berry at The Wellbeing Centre
Upcoming events in the community
- Out of the Shadows Walk Lifeline Mid North Coast – World Suicide Prevention Day 10th September
- Coastal Walk Against Domestic and Family Violence Sunday 3 December
- Self Seen Men’s Meetups – every Sunday 7:00am Shelly Beach
- Self Seen Women’s Meetups – every Sunday 7:00am Lighthouse Beach
We look forward to seeing employees drop in for a chat on R U OK DAY.