Do you have oodles of op shop ideas?
It’s national volunteering week and the Garden Village Op Shop is seeking new volunteers. Do you have oodles of initiative, love organising, a keen eye for quality fabrics, hidden gems and unique items. Garden Village is looking for Op Shop Volunteers with great ideas for styling, presentation and perhaps some skills selling in online marketplaces.
If you love chatting to people of all ages and are passionate about making a difference in the community, this is a great opportunity to get involved. As an Op Shop volunteer, you would help organise and manage the shop, ensuring that donations are displayed attractively and providing excellent customer service to those who visit the shop.
Our volunteers are part of a welcoming team who share their ideas to improve displays, sales and raise awareness of the op shop’s mission and purpose. If you are interested in volunteering, contact the Garden Village Op Shop to find out more.
For younger people volunteering is a great way to make a positive impact while gaining valuable skills in customer service. For older volunteers, it’s a great way to use your much-appreciated skills for good!
Op Shop til you drop at Garden Village – Find out more today!