The Mid North Coast Health and Aged Care Forum was recently held at Charles Sturt University Port Macquarie Campus with about 60 people in attendance. The forum aimed to identify challenges and opportunities facing the health and aged care sector in the region and drive its future. Business NSW organized the event with support from sponsor Charles Sturt University.
Craig Wearne CEO Garden Village attended the Business NSW Future of Health and Aged Care Forum with Adrienne O’Hare Executive Manager of Clinical Care Services. Craig joined a panel discussion with Paul Shields, St Agnes Lifestyle, Owen Lednor, Shoreline Coffs Harbour, Andrea Caldwell Omnicare and Ian Adams Entrepreneurs Program to discuss the future of Aged Care.
Among the issues discussed were wage differences between states, attracting and retaining staff, growing research, and future accommodation arrangements.
The forum also emphasized the need to increase the number of health professionals educated to meet future demands, which requires community partnerships. The event was well received by participants, who saw it as an opportunity for collaboration between aged care providers and health providers to improve services to the community. Mid North Coast Local Health District Chief Executive Stewart Dowrick praised the involvement of the higher education sector, which is critical for future healthcare workers’ pathways across all sectors.
Garden Village CEO Craig Wearne said getting people together and talking about collaboration between aged care providers and health providers in our region was extremely important in managing the key issues the sector faced.“Ultimately, this improves the service we provide to our community,” he said.“These kinds of forums bring people together to talk through sensible, proactive, collaborative approaches.”
Read the story which appeared in Port News